Special offer on our physical 2-month German courses

Save up to 100 € registering for our courses in Cologne starting in August 2024

Here's how it works:

Register online for an intensive, evening or super-intensive course starting August 2024 and choose the registration option "SUMMER OFFER". This will allow you to book a 2-month course package for a reduced course fee and save 50-100 € in the process!

This offer is only valid for our German courses and only applies to the 2-month packages starting Aug. 2024, as listed on our course registration page.

For evening course students:
Register for August & September 2024 and Save 50 EUR! You only pay 368 EUR for your physical course.
For intensive course students:
Register for August & September 2024 and Save 75 EUR! You only pay 623 EUR for your physical course.
For super-intensive course students:
Register for August & September 2024 and Save 100 EUR! You only pay 858 EUR for your physical course.

Here is what you get @ speakeasy:

  • Affordable prices & no registration fees
  • Small groups sized 8-10 participants on average (max. 14 participants)
  • Adult-oriented teaching, cozy & personal learning environment
Book now

Additional discount for NEW CUSTOMERS: Combine the Summer Offer with our 50 EUR discount for new customers (click here)


Wähle nun deine Kursart aus:

Intensivkurs Deutsch More information
  •   4 Tage die Woche (Mo. bis Do.)
  •   Beginn um 9/12/15 oder 18 Uhr
  •   15 Unterrichteinheiten pro Woche
Abendkurs Deutsch More information
  •   2x pro Woche, 90 Min pro Termin
  •   Beginn um 18 oder 19:45 Uhr
  •   4 Unterrichteinheiten pro Woche
Super-Intensivkurs Deutsch More information
  •   Mo. bis Do. (Physical), Fr. (Online, 10 Uhr)
  •   Beginn um 9/12/15 oder 18 Uhr
  •   18 UStd/Woche (Sprachvisum geeignet)
Konversationskurs Deutsch More information
  •   1x pro Woche
  •   Immer freitags
  •   3,5 Unterrichteinheiten pro Woche
Einzelunterricht Deutsch More information
  •   Maßgeschneiderter Unterricht
  •   Günstige Paketoptionen
  •   Gut für Sprachprüfungsvorbereitung
Prüfungsvorbereitungskurs Deutsch More information
  •   telc Prüfungsvorbereitung
  •   Mit spezialisierten Lehrkräften
  •   Für verschiedene Prüfungen
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