When you book a telc exam in Cologne with us, you automatically gain access to our free online telc preparation course. Think of it as an online guide with useful tips for your telc exam. Additionally, you'll be automatically registered for a live online seminar on the Tuesday before your exam date.
Absolutely! Only at german studios Cologne can you not only book a telc exam but also an online telc exam preparation course, and all at an unbeatable price that other institutions charge for the telc exam alone.
In the online telc exam preparation course, you will gain access not only to numerous self-learning materials and useful tips but also to our live online seminar on the Tuesday before your exam. This gives you the opportunity to go through many tasks flexibly at your own availability and receive valuable guidance from one of our teachers. Additionally, you will learn about the exact procedure for your exam day.
Our online telc exam preparation courses, including the telc exam, are available for the following language levels:
This course helps you to prepare for your telc exam.
In the course you get:
The course is not meant to help you improve your German language skills. If you would like to improve your language skills, please register for one of our language courses (here).
Additionally, you get the opportunity for individual assessments of your learning success.
Individual Assessments of Learning Success:
Do you want an even more intensive preparation for your upcoming telc exam? HERE you can sign up for our 3-week online exam preparation course.
Successfully complete the course by taking your telc exam!
telc C1 Uni | 219 € |
telc C1 (General) | 219 € |
telc B2 | 199 € |
telc B1 | 199 € |
Language Requirements: Please note that this course does not help you improve your German language skills. You should already have the necessary language skills for your exam before starting the online telc exam preparation course. If you first want to improve your language abilities, german studios offer several options for you. Check out our intensive, super-intensive or evening courses, as well as our private lessons.
Technical Requirements: To participate in the online telc exam preparation course, you should have the following equipment:
Required books: Additionally, you will need a textbook for the preparation course. The required textbook varies depending on the course level: